Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Once I got a mirror,
I picked it up
kept it in front of me
& looked into it.

I met a girl
she was beautiful
I had a rendezvous with her
oh! it was wonderful.

I came to know
it was me
peeping from inside
full of extacy

I began to love the mirror
as it used to fix my meetings with me
It told me who am I
and what I can be

Time passes & one day suddenly
mirror said "You r not so good"
I don't know whether it was
a lie or truth.

But somebody told me
mirrors don't lie
And I tried to change myself
I don't know why

None of my trials
made my mirror satisfied
now in-spite of telling anything
it began to hide

Then one day I realized
There is some dust in
my mirror's eyes

To clean it
I tried hard then harder
In haste,
I scratched badly, my mirror

A girl was there
perhaps me
peeping from inside
looking gloomy

I felt sorry
but it happened again and again
I decided to get separated from it
than to keep it & me in pain..

                                   - Ritu


  1. that's lovely yaar
    mirror always show what we want to see

  2. .This mirror...this poem...has a real life analogyyy!!!!!!!
    ...Awesome.....!!!... keep it up Ritu....Lovely...

  3. Yes this poem has a real life analogy!!!!

    but the way you catch the perception of the mirror and devotion towards ur image in mirror
    thts lovely!

    .......me in pain.

    the mirror was break,
    when u separate ur self.
    than it com up with joy of Rainbow
    decided to never ever let u disconnect
